Pte listening multiple choice question strategies


I hope that this guide helps you to understand how to answer Pte listening multiple choice questions. You should remember that these types of questions are not easy and require a lot of effort, but if you follow these strategies then they can be very helpful in answering these types of questions.

Tips to answer Pte listening multiple choice questions

Listen carefully to the audio.

Don’t worry about unfamiliar words or accents.

Focus on the main idea of each audio, as well as how it is pronounced (i.e., if it’s said quickly or slowly).

Don’t focus on individual words–focus on what they are saying, not just the words themselves!

  1. Listen to the audio carefully without reading the options.

Listen to the audio carefully without reading the options.

Although this strategy may seem counterintuitive, it’s often helpful to listen to a passage of text without reading any options or making an attempt at comprehension. You can do this by playing back an audio file on your computer or phone and paying close attention only to what is being said, while ignoring any unfamiliar words or phrases that may appear in different contexts within each answer (or even in different parts). This approach helps you focus on what is being said as well as how it is being said/pronounced—which will help you determine whether or not you know what one option means from another when looking at both sentences together.

  1. Do not worry about the unfamiliar words in this PTE listening question type.

Do not worry about the unfamiliar words in this PTE listening question type.

In general, if you have difficulty with a new word or phrase, then do not worry about it; simply focus on the meaning of the sentence.

It is possible that you may not know all of these words—and that’s okay! You can still answer correctly without knowing them all (or even most). However, if there are more than 4 words on a line and they’re unfamiliar to you then make sure they aren’t included in your answer choice answers because this will lengthen your response time unnecessarily and may cause errors later down the line when checking over responses for accuracy later on during assessment day when time constraints are tight due to limited amount allocated per student per session so try not spend too much effort thinking about how many times each word appears within question set before answering instead focus more attention towards understanding what topic being discussed by writer/speaker rather than memorizing every single letter / phoneme combination used repeatedly throughout text passage without fail every single time around just try keep track only good thing here is no need too much stress worrying about whether correct answer matches exact wording provided earlier after reading entire passage once more thoroughly again try keep track only good thing here is no need too much stress worrying about whether correct answer matches exact wording provided earlier after reading entire passage once more thoroughly again

  1. When you listen to the audio, you will get familiar with the context and more involved with the situation they are talking about. It’s vital that you understand the main idea of each audio.

The most important thing is to listen carefully and read only the options that you know.

Let’s say there are words like ‘organization’ and ‘city’, these words are unfamiliar for you but not for others. So, when you listen to their audio more clearly, try to focus on their pronunciation and meaning of these words rather than worrying about what they say!

  1. There are different accents in these audios so try to be aware of it when you listen to these audios.

In this PTE listening question type, you need to be aware of the accent and context. You also need to pay attention to the situation they are talking about.

  1. The language in these types of questions is informal and colloquial, so if you have a problem understanding some sentences or words, don’t worry about it. Their main intention is to test your understanding of general English and communication skills by getting around confusing information, which is required for communication in English.

The language in these types of questions is informal and colloquial, so if you have a problem understanding some sentences or words, don’t worry about it. Their main intention is to test your understanding of general English and communication skills by getting around confusing information, which is required for communication in English.

  1. The options may look very similar, but try to focus on what is being said as well as how it is being said/pronounced since there may be differences in pronunciation between one option and another (e.g., maroon versus mareen).

The options may look very similar, but try to focus on what is being said as well as how it is being said/pronounced since there may be differences in pronunciation between one option and another (e.g., maroon versus mareen).

Listen carefully to the audio and try to ignore any unfamiliar words or phrases that you don’t understand at first glance. If you hear something like “a big house”, then it’s likely that the word “house” was used while pronouncing through your mouth with an American accent instead of British English, so pay attention to this detail when choosing among multiple choices!

Be aware of how an audio recording sounds because sometimes accents can be hard-to-understand even though they sound pretty natural! For example: if someone says “I am moving into a new place next week”, their accent may make them sound kind of weird compared with someone who speaks English natively; however if there isn’t too much difference between these two examples then most listeners won’t notice anything strange — maybe just enough time spent listening attentively before deciding which answer choice fits best overall–but remember: if something seems off somehow then spend more time looking closer at those recordings until everything makes sense again because everything counts here!


The tips above should help you with the PTE listening multiple choice question strategies. If you have any questions on how to answer this type of question, feel free to contact Brownstone Ielts Academy in Zirakpur. We do provide our students with handouts for online and offline Pte classes.